What is INHABIT?
Inhabit is the Mystery School of Archetypal Witchcraft…developed over 20 years by Rev. Pamela Dawn and birthed into the World on Imbolc 2023.
Inhabit has been ever-evolving since its inception, first offering free monthly Witches’ Sabbaths for the Southern California Mountain Communities…It has now concretized into a 100% online Mystery School for those interested in learning how to embody their truth as a WITCH.
Please see full Mystery School Schedule and payment information now available at the bottom of this page…
What is Archetypal Witchcraft?
The foundational facets of all forms of Witchcraft. Archetypal aspects about the tradition are where it gets it’s power from…because these things are the well-worn pathways seared into the Psyche…our collective unconscious…spilling forth from the well of all being…
The bedrocks of Witchcraft includes:
+Totemic Objects: tools, amulets, crystals, poppets, altars, etc.
+Sounds: Drums, rattles, singing bowls, voice…
+The Mythic: folklore, journeying, working with Divinities and Ancestors…
+Altered States: meditation, plant medicine, also journeying
+Divination: oracles, Tarot, scrying, journeying…
+Planet Medicine: Seasonal Holy Days; working with trees, fumes, herbs…
+Creation: art, making your own tools, writing spells, creating altars
+Healing & Subversive: those who identify as WITCH are dedicated to helping people heal and going against social norms, breaking boundaries, helping the hopeless…and being true to themselves.
Witches have always existed because of the fact that they are directly tied to our spiritual archetypal landscape. The religious function of the Psyche. There has always been Magick and there has always been witches.
All classes for Inhabit Mystery School are now 100% online and accessible by anyone, anywhere…and at one’s own pace. Each Class consists of multiple video lessons, online content, and printable worksheets for each topic. The first class is dedicated to helping you identify why type of archetypal witch you are, and then provides you with assignments to hone those skills. The following classes provide you with directed learning that enables you to carve out space in your life for your magickal workings, create special tools, learn how to move between the realms, understand and use spellcrafting, connect with your ancestors, create your own oracle deck and more. Please see the full course listing below:
As there are physical components required for some of the coursework, a welcome package will be sent upon receipt of your Mystery School payment which will include:
If you have questions at any point during the process, you can schedule time to talk one-on-one with Priestess Pamela!
After you have chosen the payment amount from the sliding scale below, utilize the VENMO icon to pay. When that is complete, use the contact form below to send a direct message to Priestess Pamela with your mailing address. She will then gather your MYSTERY SCHOOL WELCOME PACKAGE and get it off in the mail within 1-2 weeks. After you have received it, you can utilize the code to enter the STUDENT PORTAL at the bottom of this page.
- Class #1 - Types of Archetypal Witchcraft (with Personalized Assignments for Each Witch)
- Class #2 - Setting up Sacred Space (Altar Building & Tool Crafting)
- Class #3 - Meditation & Journeying
- Class #4 - Spellcrafting
- Class #5 - Working with the Ancestors
- Class #6 - Deep Dive into Divination (The Creation of Your Own Oracle Deck)
- Class #7 - Healing Ourselves, Healing the Planet & Self Initiation
As there are physical components required for some of the coursework, a welcome package will be sent upon receipt of your Mystery School payment which will include:
- A Rattle Making Kit
- Spellcrafting Items
- Ancestor Spirit Bottle Elements
- Oracle Creation Starter Pack
- Initiation Pendant
- Student Portal Code to Access Lessons
If you have questions at any point during the process, you can schedule time to talk one-on-one with Priestess Pamela!
After you have chosen the payment amount from the sliding scale below, utilize the VENMO icon to pay. When that is complete, use the contact form below to send a direct message to Priestess Pamela with your mailing address. She will then gather your MYSTERY SCHOOL WELCOME PACKAGE and get it off in the mail within 1-2 weeks. After you have received it, you can utilize the code to enter the STUDENT PORTAL at the bottom of this page.
Are you ready to start your journey to embody your calling as a WITCH?
Priestess Pamela is very aware that paying for an education can be a difficult commitment. Thus she has created a sliding scale payment option, in the hopes that she can make it as accessible as possible to as many people as possible, while still honoring the amount of time, energy, and money she has invested in the creation of this program. Each payment tier includes access to all the lessons as well as the MYSTERY SCHOOL WELCOME PACKAGE with all the goodies listed above. The only thing you will need to have on hand are spellcrafting elements when doing your own work, a picture of your ancestor(s) or one of their possession to place within the Spirit Bottle, scissors and a glue gun. You have the option to personalize (or choose to use other items) when doing any and all of this work. Witchcraft is highly personal and the items provided within the WELCOME PACKAGE are just there to provide basic ingredients for your workings.
Priestess Pamela is very aware that paying for an education can be a difficult commitment. Thus she has created a sliding scale payment option, in the hopes that she can make it as accessible as possible to as many people as possible, while still honoring the amount of time, energy, and money she has invested in the creation of this program. Each payment tier includes access to all the lessons as well as the MYSTERY SCHOOL WELCOME PACKAGE with all the goodies listed above. The only thing you will need to have on hand are spellcrafting elements when doing your own work, a picture of your ancestor(s) or one of their possession to place within the Spirit Bottle, scissors and a glue gun. You have the option to personalize (or choose to use other items) when doing any and all of this work. Witchcraft is highly personal and the items provided within the WELCOME PACKAGE are just there to provide basic ingredients for your workings.